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AQL's Below 0.065

AQL Inspector's Rule use for AQLs below 0.065

The AQL Inspector's Rule includes AQLs of 0.065 to 15. The use of the AQL Inspector's can be extended to the four additional AQL levels in the standards below 0.065. To do this the you must apply the following extensions to the nornal use of the AQL Inspector's Rule.

Single Sampling

  • To set the AQL level continue to move the slider right until the 0-1 Accept-Reject numbers in the Normal Row are under Q for 0.010, P for 0.015, N for 0.025 and M for 0.040.

  • When the boxes under letters A to D are empty they must be treated as an right arrow, moving the sampling plan in that direction.

  • For Tightened inspection AQL of 0.025 code letters Q and R use sample size of 3150, accept number of 1 and reject number of 2.
  • For Normal inspection for AQL of 0.015 and code letter R move to letter P and use sample size of 800, Accept number of 0 and Reject number of 1.

  • For Reduced inspection for AQL of 0.015 code letter R move to letter P and use sample size of 315, Accept number of 0 and Reject number of 1.

Double Sampling

  • For AQL levels of 0.010 and 0.015 use the corresponding single sampling plan of Q and P respectfully.

  • To set the AQL level continue to move the slider right until the 0-2 Accept-Reject numbers in the Normal 1st Row are under R for 0.025 and Q for 0.040.

  • When the boxes under letters A and B are empty they must be treated as an right arrow, moving the sampling plan in that direction.

  • For tightened inspection AQL of 0.025 code letters Q and R use sample sizes of 2000 and 2000 (cumulative size of 4000). Accept-Reject numbers for the first is 0-2. Accept-Reject numbers is for the second (cumulative) sample is 1-2.

These instructions apply to both the ANSI and ISO versions of the AQL Inspector's Rule.